Taina Douge is a bridge builder between the creative arts and social justice, a bridge that she calls “poetic justice”. With an M.A. from Columbia University and B.A. from New York University, she champions the stories of multicultural, BIPOC and other underrepresented voices. Her graduate work with immigrants, political asylees, refugees, and survivors of torture from the Congolese diaspora led her to be a fierce advocate for inclusive spaces. More adventures involve a compassionate outreach program to the Deaf community in New York, painting the one-room schoolhouse on a small mountainside in Peru, teaching English to inner-city children in India, one 13.1 mile half-marathon in Brooklyn, two Ragnar relay races of 200-ish miles in the Adirondacks and Cape Cod, skydiving, parasailing, beach-hopping, and three flying lessons in an unbelievably small Cessna plane.